3 Signs that NOTHING I provide or sell will work for you…..

I am all about alignment.

In my life

In my marriage

In my body

And also, in my work.

Being on the same page, having the same intentions, clear alignment is essential for success.


Which is why I want to make sure that those I work with, rather recommending products or doing an intuitive session, are in alignment with how I work.  I have a very distinct style, admittedly not for everyone,

but for those in alignment our work together is a special magic!  Creating wellness in so many areas of life—perfect alignment.

Are we meant to work together?  I hope so.

But if you find yourself in one of the 3 signs below I, and what I offer, are not for you.


1.        If you are looking for a quick fix or a band aid, we are not in alignment.


Band-Aids are great for acute, immediate needs but do nothing to really heal the underlying wound.  Band aids get messy & gross, fall off and are often in the way.  When we keep a band aid on too long the wound can worsen as it isn’t getting air.  We know we need a band aid at times but must understand their limits, not expecting more than they can offer.


The same is true with quick fixes.  They may bring some soothing for a minute but once the minute has passed you are left with the same issue plus a lot of frustration.  Those in alignment with my work are looking for success.  Real, deep, honest success to their life & wellness issues.  These issues may be physical, emotional or mental, maybe all of them, and they know that they are in it for the long haul.  The only option being full health and wellness, or damn close.  They are willing to forgo the allure of a lick-and-a-promise for the experience of lasting change that is fulfilling and oh so satisfying.



2.        If you are more interested in being heard than healed, we are not in alignment.


We all know some people, we may even be one of them from time to time, who tell the same story over and over.  They tell you, they post about it on the socials, you may even over hear them telling another.  Why do they engage in this behavior?  I believe it is because they want to be heard and validated.  That is their focus, their goal.  They want to feel justified or gain sympathy, or a whole host of other reasons.  True healing, deep, lasting healing is not one of the reasons.  When we want to fix what isn’t working, to remedy that which ails, to restore ourselves to wholeness, it has everything to do with intention and nothing to do with attention.  Those in alignment with how I work are willing to let go of the story, even when it is hard, in lieu of wellness & healing.



3.       If you are a collector of information or stuff, we are not in alignment.


Don’t bother to book a session with me or purchase my curated, custom products if your intention is not to use them.  Many people love to collect things—stuff, programs, memberships—with little to no intention us using them.  It is more about the acquiring not so much about what the thing they are acquiring will help them with.  My 1:1 sessions are very intentional.  We meet, go deep, quickly and identify the issue and how best to address it to bring healing.  Great information meant to be implemented, not collected.


The same is true for my curated line of oil & complete salt products.  Yes, they are gorgeous in their bottles & jars but they are not meant to be admired from afar.  They are created to be used, and used often.  Which is why a personal prescription for use is offered with each product sold.  They cannot work their magic by sitting on a shelf or in a cupboard.  They are intentional and are made for consistent consumptions. 




Bottom line, if you find yourself looking for a band aid or quick fix, wanting to be heard more than healed and/or in the collector category, don’t bother.  We are not in alignment, and I am not the woman to help you.

But, if you want true, deep healing, to do the work that needs to be done, emotionally, physically, mentally & spiritually, then I am for you.  Intentional, clear, focused information and products that teach you how to tap into your own magic and find the you you know is inside.


Let’s work together--  https://app.squarespacescheduling.com/schedule.php?owner=22818891  

Find my custom, curated products here -- https://www.michelesnelling.com/products


I see you….